Gimme Something to Watch: AMC’s Preacher (Season 1, Episodes 2 & 3)
Spoiler Warning: This post will be loaded with spoilers from the Preacher comics and television show. You can catch up ... -
Wóddréa Mylenstede: Victors in the Loudness War
The war is over folks—and you and all your favorite bands with their brick-wall compression and clicky triggered drums and ... -
Down with the Sickness: Black Fucking Cancer, Reviewed
I really hope I’m the first to use this title. -
A Stop on the Nerds Across the Northeast Tour
Put down that calculator for a minute and come hear about the Nerds Across the Northeast Tour! -
Mini-Reviews From Around The Bowl: 06/09/2016
Not quite pancakes, but just as satisfying and without the regret. Usually. Bite into Goatcraft, Waxen, Violent Scum, Vex, Cough, ... -
Almyrkvi’s Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom: An Interpretive Response
You are running low on oxygen: 13%. As you drift toward the outer reaches of your solar system, you reroute ... -
Gimme Something to Watch: AMC’s Preacher (season 1, episode 1)
Spoiler Warning: This post will be loaded with spoilers from the Preacher comics and television show. -
Into the Lungs of Hell: A Review of Hipoxia’s S.D.E.O.E. -Monvmentvm ab Khaos I-
In the contemporary metal landscape, there is no dearth of doom bands. So tremendous is the deluge of metal’s slowest ... -
Embrace the Angularity: Lofter – Self-Titled Review
Oakland’s current creative prestige in the Bay Area scene is undeniable and obvious to anyone paying even the slightest attention. ...