Celebrate TovH’s 2nd Birthday with a Community Playlist


A few months ago, I reached out to the TovH Facebook group to have them put together a collaborative playlist that represents our community. Each member of the group was asked to submit one song to demonstrate the diversity of our tastes and the camaraderie of the shared music experience. Although we were unable to get a video from every single member, the YouTube playlist compiled below shows both the deep diversity and the depth of knowledge that makes our community so great. I truly believe we have the single best heavy metal community on the internet. If you’d like to join us, we’d be elated to have you along for the ride.

This playlist features some excellent selections from bands both well-known and unknown. In here you’ll hear big hits from Iced Earth, deep cuts from Noothgrush, a wee bit of Dissection and Death Grips for flavor, and really everything in between. A suggestion: if you want to know what we like, hit shuffle and close your eyes.

My particular selection is “Randulf” by Chemical Cascades. This excellent, psychedelic voyage through the solar winds is easily the best song the Aussies have crafted, and I have the Toilet to thank for my introduction to this most wondrous group. I’m grateful for all the opportunities this blog has afforded me and all the cool bands I’ve gotten to jam through it, and although I could have picked any number of bands near and dear to my heart, CC hold a special place as the first group I reviewed around these parts.

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who contributed to the playlist. Two years on, and our blog just keeps getting better. It’s all thanks to you. Go eat a slice of cake for us.

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