Cottus – Cesspool Of Creation: A Video Breakdown


Throwing in some pool noodles into the Cesspool of Creation.

Halifax, Nova Scotia. Home of the Halifax Mooseheads. The Halifax Citadel. The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Probably some other things if I google longer. It’s also home to death/black metal band Cottus. I’m not really sure what the metal scene is like in The Maritimes, let alone Halifax. I assume all that salt water and snow leads to some icy cold riffs. Or some fishy yells. Either way, I’m interested. Let’s check out Cottus’s new video and break it down.


We live in a society…


The new Mortal Kombat DLC kicks ass.


“Bring forth the blue cheese AND ranch!”


What it feels like to spend $449 to see King Diamond from the side of the stage for 3 songs.


You get that same look when you crinkle a bag.


The primary industries of Halifax are fishing, agriculture, and getting blasphemously fucked up.


“Open your mind!”


Scene guest-directed by Lloyd Kaufman.


Cottus’s album Eater Of Worlds came out in 2016, so yeah, it’s available now.

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