Devil Master – Black Flame Candle: A Video Breakdown


Black Flame Candle now on sale at Bath & Body Works.

Although they’ve been around a few years, Philadelphia’s Devil Master recently made a splash in the metal internet community. No, it wasn’t because of a controversy or even the release of new music. It was because of this picture:

People weren’t sure what to make of it. Are they serious? Is this some sort of commentary or the metal scene? When did Joel Grind join Ripper? Where can I get a candleabrum at this hour? Perhaps all these questions and more will be answered with their new music video. Let’s break it down.



Man, Yu-Gi-Oh got real dark after I stopped watching.


Come hither, young SoundCloud rapper. Your dreams await.


Shopping at Spookytown the day after Halloween is paying off big time.


An accurate representation of me having to go to a wedding.


Bad, Hesher! Bad! You don’t do that in the house!


Acid Witch split imminent?!


When the buffalo chicken tendies finally hit.


Joining Dollar Shave Club is easy. Leaving, not so much…

Oo! Ah! Oh! Ee!


“Welcome to Denny’s! My name is Vickie. Booth or table?”


Devil Master’s album Satan Spits on Children of Light is out on March 1st via Relapse Records.

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