Dischordia, Tovarish, SCAB, and Maeth Unleash New Music


We here in the Toilet ov Family like to take care of our own. That’s the motivation behind our little Interview with the Devil series. We want to make sure that the talented lads and lasses that reside in this hallowed bowl get the attention they deserve. So it is with great pleasure that we’re flaunting not one, not two, not three, but four excellent releases from some our best pals. Get the scoop on new jamz by DischordiaTovarish, SCAB, and Maeth!

Dischordia – Sources EP (Rogue Records) | Out Now

Have you been following along with the tour adventures of the shockingly handsome Stockhausen, vocalist/bassist of death metal innovators Dischordia? Then you’re likely aware of the fact that the band just dropped a killer EP of excellent covers. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Covers suck, man!” You shut your whore mouth and listen up, because  this band has the chops and artistic flair to approach both The Dillinger Escape Plan and Tom Waits from a death metal style and somehow make both of those tracks sound great. The music itself is a brutal tribute to Dischordia’s influences, but I wouldn’t be fulfilling my contractual obligations to Stocky doing this release justice if I didn’t mention how great Stocky’s vocals sound in the mix. Plus, you can get the whole thing for free! Stocky is both talented and generous. Pick it up on Bandcamp!

 Tovarish – This Terrible Burden (Argonauta Records) | May 4th, 2015

When last we chatted to Dimitri Myshkin, the enigmatic vocalist of the even more mysterious drone/doom troupe Tovarish from Rhode Island, the band was in the process of writing new music and looking for a label. Well, I’m happy to announce that Tovarish have found a happy home at Argonauta Records and will soon be unleashing a stunning new album of Cold War anthems loaded with martial industrial effects, haunting feedback loops of distortion, and vocals that sound like a diseased lung coughing up petrol. It’s a killer, unsettling combination, and from the rough demos I’ve heard, fans of dark, atmospheric metal won’t want to miss this. The band debuted the album info and a new song, “Order 227,” over at The Sludgelord, so head there for the full scoop.

 SCAB – Sounds from the Sewer (Independent) | Out Now

The last time I tried to talk to SCAB about their artistic vision I ended up looking like a bumbling chode. I shan’t be making that mistake again. Look, all you need to know about The Grindprophet’s new release can be summed up in two words: BEER! GRIND!

Maeth – TBA

Do you love that adorable little pumpkin baby HessianHunter? Of course you do because you’re a man and/or woman of taste and sophistication. Well, did you know that that adorable little pumpkin baby is an octopus-armed monstrosity that eats bicycles and destroys drum kits? Of course you did, because you’re a man and/or woman of intelligence and good upbringing. Well, that adorable little pumpkin baby octopus drummer man is going on tour with his radical band Maeth, and they’ll soon be pulverizing a city near you with their patented sun dance of mescalin-fueled psycho-sludge. Prepare to be beaten to death by a rainbow. If you’re very lucky, you might even hear some new tunes too. The band unveiled a tasty new jam (with no less than two drummers and a flautist) at the St. Vitus Bar, and those witches are in the process of brewing up something spooky real soon. Skip ahead to 6:50 in the video below to go on a mind-trip. If you like what you hear, you can always explore Oceans into Ashes on Bandcamp. Also, go say high to that adorable little pumpkin baby octopus drummer high priest man on Facebook.

Maeth tour dates Via the book of faces:

May 7 – Minneapolis, MN @ The Triple Rock Social Club
May 8 – TBA @ TBA
May 9 – Omaha, NE @ The Hideout
May 10 – Denver, CO @ 7th Circle
May 11 – Santa Fe, NM @ The Underground
May 12 – Phoenix, AZ @ TBA
May 13 – San Diego, CA @ Til Two
May 14 – Glendale, CA @ The Complex
May 15 – Pacifica, CA @ Winter’s Tavern
May 16 – Oakland, CA @ The Metro
May 17 – San Francisco, CA @ TBA
May 18 – Sacramento, CA @ Blue Lamp
May 19 – Portland, OR @ The Know
May 20 – Seattle, WA @ Sunset Tavern
May 21 – Missoula, MT @ Ole Beck VFW
May 22 – Billings, MT @ Rail Yard Ale House
May 23 – Fargo, ND @ TBA

(Photo VIA, VIA, VIA, and VIA)

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