Flush it Friday: Ye Olde Ren Faire


I’ve been seeing little wooden swords and shields from King Richard’s Faire since I was a wee laddie, but it took me until the encroachment of my third decade of life to finally attend. All of the wasted mead! It was certainly a time, what with real axes being forged before my eyes, a deluge of elf ears and more olde-fashioned texte than is goode for your healthe. The jousting was particularly entertaining, as it basically boiled down to a medieval WWE match with just enough campiness to be endearing. Now, let’s take a look at some decidedly more modern highlights from the week.

Hans stared into the void, and Unfurled stared back.

Review: Unfurl – The Waking Void

The Spooktacular continues with a discussion of You’re Next ft. Nathan from the I Hope You Suffer podcast.

Toilet Radio 209: The October Spooktacular Presents You’re Next

Spear ripped our faces off with the latest S L A B from Hideous Divinity in this edition of Tech Death Thursday.

Tech Death Thursday: Hideous Divinity – Simulacrum

365 brought us to the precipice of a Tragic Death with this exclusive premiere of their new track, “Gloaming.”

Premiere: Tragic Death – Gloaming

Doth thou wishe to shitposte? Yea, verily, proceed to the commentes.

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