Don’t Miss This! Vol. 4


Welcome my lovely and delicious delightful denizens of the mighty Toilet ov Hell. I, Xan, bring to you the next edition of “Don’t Miss This!”. This week, put on your man pants because it’s time to get blasted by music that is blacker than the vestigial ooze that drips from the darkened mouth of a necrobeast ov the abyss. Today’s display brings you albums from three bands: Winter of Sin, Coffinworm, and Keeper 

Winter of Sin’s Violence Reigns Supreme

Winter of Sin are a melodic black metal band that hail from the Netherlands. Violence Reigns Supreme has been one of my favorite albums of this year. Every single song is a piece of mastery that is just waiting to be consumed. It is filled with 42 minutes of pounding melodic black metal with some death metal elements. Some of my favorite tracks from the album are “Astral Death Reign Algorithm”, “Maelstrom”, and “Unleash Mayhem” (I couldn’t find this one). “Virus” provides a short interlude in the album for you to catch your breath because this music hits hard. These guys have got riffs for days. Nearly every song showcases a riff that gets stuck in your head (or at least they did in mine). I highly recommend at least giving this a listen. Purchase this masterpiece from Non Serviam Records here.

Coffinworm’s IV.I.VIII:

Profound Lore is one of my favorite labels recently. Not only do they have Pallbearer, Wolvhammer, Auroch, Dead Congregation, Agalloch, YOB, and Artificial Brain (which most recently fucked my head off), but they also have Coffinworm. I bought this album back when it came out because I really liked the name of the band. I only recently listened to this album and HOLY SHIT. This is HEAVY. Coffinworm take death metal and sludge metal and make one of the heaviest things I have heard this year. Listening to this at full blast in car will pretty much break everything in a five mile radius. The vocals sound filthy, the guitars have a really dirty tone, and the ambiance that can be attained when listening to the songs carefully can send chills up the spine. I feel as if the band hates everything and decided to vent that frustration in the most rotten sewer ov hell in the world. My favorite song from the album would have to be “Of Eating Disorders and Restraining Orders”. One must simply listen. Pick it up digitally from Profound Lore’s Bandcamp. I tried to find a physical option but the link leads to a non-functioning page and I can’t find it in their catalogue.

Keeper’s MMXIV:

Didn’t know it was Roman numeral day did you? This is technically a demo but it is over 46 minutes long and doesn’t sound like it was recorded with a potato so I’m sticking it in this bitch. This music could best be described as blackened sludge metal. It is heavy and nasty. The riff that comes in around the six minute mark on “Hours, Pt. 1” is one of the most evil and depressing sounding riffs I’ve ever heard. The track list is quite solid and doesn’t leave me bored like many of the genre peers. ALSO it’s name your own price on their BandCamp so there’s no excuse not to go and have a swell and grim old time.

Don’t Miss This! is an ongoing feature where each of the ToH writers explores a few releases you may have missed this year.

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