Exclusive Track Premiere: The Furor’s “The Flames of Fate”


Get in here for blazing licks and scorching riffs. This new track is too hot to handle.

Back in the old country, grandpapa used to tell me stories of a godless wasteland called Australia in order to convince me to obey. “You’d better mind your elders and do your daily butter-churning chores, Little Dubs,” he’d say, “or else you’ll get sent off to Australia like other naughty children and have to fend for yourself against the unbearable heat, venomous serpents, and roving bands of violent kangaroos extorting local business owners for protection money. It is truly a barren hellhole and blight upon this glorious earth.”

Well, Australia is finally getting its revenge for all these years of vicious slander. Its weapon: hot hot hot death/black/thrash dealers The Furor. Today it is my distinct privilege to bring you a mercilessly brutal slice of extremity so raw and fresh you’ll think The Furor slaughtered it out back and threw it right on your plate.

“The Flames of Fate” is an almost perfect extreme metal song. Those opening drum rolls set the stage for an ominous set of doomy riffs, but after teasing us with a delicious groove, vocalist Dizazter unleashes a stomach-turning snarl and rips the whole facade clean off, erupting the track into a remorseless rampage of blast beats and incredible riffs. For the next four minutes, guitarist Hellhound sheds his skin and transforms into a riff volcano, spraying us with riff after fretboard-incinerating riff until the entire track collapses upon itself in a molten heap of ash and smoke.

While Hellhound is escalating the natural disaster unfolding, Dizazter keeps stoking the flames, providing an infernal percussive ride for all of the divebombs and arcing leads while belching forth an unholy growl like the lungs of hell themselves. Perhaps my favorite part of this song is when Hellhound’s molten guitar work and The Grand Impaler’s bass begin climbing up and down the neck with concussive force around the 4:00 mark, Dizazter just barely reining himself in to accent each tactile note with deadly energy. It’s a disorienting, juddering climax to an absolutely explosive rampage.

If the rest of Cavalries of the Occult brings the same caliber of insane riffage and earth-shattering drumming that are “The Flames of Fate” and the title track (which you can, should, and will jam here), we may truly be witnessing the end of days. I guess Grandpapa was right. Australia really is the land of death and destruction, so let’s raise a beer and go out in style with The Furor.

If you dig what The Furor are throwing down, be sure to swing by Facebook and tell them, “Oi ya old cobbers, you lot are right legends. Let’s go get maggotted on some tinnies in the Macca’s parking lot.” Be sure to give Transcending Obscurity a like on Facebook too and check out the label’s site for all your extreme metal needs.

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