
Flush It Friday: A Little Bit of Yappin’


It’s a Yap Attack of Itty Bitties!

https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2122289613_10.jpgMongrel – Baptized in the Gutter
DAZE | February 21, 2025

It’s Daze Style, you fuck. Ever imagined what it would be like if 1992 Fear Factory turned into a hardcore band? The tank-treaded death metal of Bolt Thrower meets NYHC master killers Merauder for one of the heaviest EPs of 2025. “Tightrope Walk” and “No Flesh, No Bone” are brain-bashers and pit-crashers extraordinaire. Some of you freaks are gonna love the scorching intro to the album’s title track that abruptly hits a crossover stomp and a jagged, screaming ’80s Azagthoth solo. These dudes have played in World of Pain, Mizery, Xibalba, and Internal Affairs. The bona fides are enough said.

Sidewinder – March of the Eternal Heretic
Independent | February 7, 2025

Virulent, venomous, and chaotic. These 5 speed freaks from Leeds seek ultimate retribution at the business end of a double-barreled laser blaster amidst a foul throng of putrefying don’t-even-know-they’re-dead hellions. Take Agnostic Front, Slayer, and Exodus, shove ‘em in a hornet nest, give it a good shake, and see if any of that is more pissed than death-belching vocalist Damo. March of the Eternal Heretic is as acerbic as it is fun, as furious as it is a party. The world is over, mate. Why not tear through West Yorkshire in a war lorry, taking out every poseur in sight.

https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a0706386844_10.jpgDrugs of Faith – Asymmetrical
Selfmadegod | February 21, 2025

“I can’t cut through the noise anymore. I’ve never liked anyone I’ve voted for.” My teenaged self and current self are stagebombing, arm-in-arm, to grab the mic. Led by Richard “The Grindfather” Johnson (Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Enemy Soil), Drugs of Faith is a socially incisive grind-n-roll wrecking ball from Northern Virginia, back after a decade-long hiatus. Standout tracks like “Divestment” inject almost-catchy noise rock into the chaotic blasting. There’s so much vitriol, so much dissatisfaction, so much mourning for what is and could have been. Asymmetrical is shot through with a clear-eyed political pathos that will simultaneously soothe and enrage you.

Larry June, 2 Chainz, The AlchemistLife is Beautifulhttps://f4.bcbits.com/img/a4173118393_10.jpg
EMPIRE | February 7, 2025

2023’s The Great Escape from Larry June & The Alchemist made my top 10. In classic Our Boy Al fashion, he, along with Larry June and Tity Boi, drop a surprise follow-up that has a tall fuckin’ task. Having to balance the laid-back Bay Area flow of June with the Hate City trap of Chainz is not easy, but one listen to “Colossal” will have you seeing the vision. “LLC,” “Bad Choices,” “Epiphany,” and closer “Jean Prouvé” are and will be the kind of tracks you need to keep breezy and cool in the middle of a meltingly hot summer.

https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a3675462648_10.jpgVacant Home – Can You Show Me Who I Am?
Independent | January 24, 2025

Comeback Kid is touring on the anniversary of Wake the Dead. Because of this, the question was recently posed: “How are y’all feeling about Turn it Around 22 years later?” Not as I had hoped. Fortunately, Perth’s Vacant Home are channeling Have Heart, Verse, and Go It Alone much more than the aforementioned CBK. This is beleaguered, heart-on-your-sleeve, I-don’t-think-it’s-gonna-work-out hardcore “Because I’m sick to death of trying to break free.” “Skin and bone, it’s all we know / Scratch and claw, watch us grow.” And yet, after everything, “I’m coming home, back to your warm embrace / I’m coming home.”

And now we Flush!

Stick dropped some goodies in Monday PressRoldy found a few gems for TTT.

Jake‘s back and is reaching all the way back to 2023 to tell you all about Urne‘s A Feast of Sorrow. More of this to come.

Hans reviewed the forthcoming Grey Mountain album. 4 Toilets and maybe even a sneak preview of a end-of-year list inclusion? Big promises from a big liar.

Toilet Radio 544 features Joe n Jordan talking about Ill Niño in the year of our lord 2025. Somebody stop them.

The food is so mini! The reviews are so tasty! We got Hans. We got Stick. We got Megachiles. We got RT. It’s a real Who’s Who of Who Gives a Hoot.

Falxifer awarded 4 Toilets to the latest efforts of overlooked legends Hirax.

Stevo drops a 3.5 on the latest from Savage Master, out in late March. Leather up, trad daddies!

Nice lookin’ week ya got there, Toilet ov Hell. It would be a shame if someone read all your posts and commented on them. A real shame. You know the deal, forks. Read my itty bitties. Get your mind fuckin’ blown by my taste in music. After that, go check out any posts you missed this week. Then, get in the comments and drop those Geezies Beezies and Youzies. I hope you’re all heading towards a fabulous, crabulous weekend. Alcest and Mono on Sunday. Will Eenzy make me take another photo with him? Probably. Love you!

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