Flush It Friday: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!


If you listen to the Toilet Ov Hell podcast (and shame on you if you don’t) you would know that we are planning a holiday gift exchange. We are sending each other gifts and will open them on air, describing all the ridiculous things purchased in the name of friendship.  I have my fingers crossed in hopes of Randall giving us an “I’M WITH POSER” shirt with an arrow pointing straight up and Joe giving us gluten free, free range, organic mosh shorts.

We shouldn’t have all the fun, though. You too can enjoy the thrill of giving gifts and being thanked on air by the toiletiest podcast on the internet. Heck, you can even send stuff to any of the TovH writers if you want. Send a message to toiletofhell@gmail.com asking for our addresses and then send us some goodies. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Here are some suggestions:

A lock of George Clarke’s hair
A framed picture of your favorite Jose Mangin quote
A picture of you listening to a Darkthrone or Mayhem song on Youtube
50 cents of Shake’N Bake coupons
A medley of Tom Warrior’s best “Ughs!”
The gift of STEEL
Video evidence of you giving Kid Rock an atomic wedgie
A copy of Atlas Shrugged signed by Aaron Lewis, Phil Labonte, and Tripp Eisen

What better way to thank the people who entertain you? Actually, piles of money would be nice, but y’know, one step at a time. Have you purchased all your holiday gifts yet? Let us know in the comments.

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