Flush it Friday: Working Today Should Be A Crime


It’s the 5th of July. My butthole neighbors were shooting off mortars in the middle of the street until about 1:30 AM. The dogs screamed for hours. Why am I working. Why is anyone working right now. This is bullshit.

Regardless, here are some highlights from this abbreviated holiday week to peruse while you, I assume, are stuck at your horrible job too.

Boy this one really ruffled some feathers. Hey dummies, don’t steal art.

The Stealing Art (Or, The Straw That Broke the Gammell’s Back)

This excellent compilation is currently sitting at #1 on Bandcamp and has raised over 10 grand for reproductive justice. Don’t sleep on it!

Riffs for Reproductive Justice feat. Thou, Racetraitor, and More!

You’ve got a little time left to win this album… but only if you can answer our diabolical puzzle.

Premiere: Win Come Back From The Dead‘s New Album, Solve A Mystery

My sweet boys sat down with Astronoid to talk about not conforming and also The Simpsons. Listen to it.

Toilet Radio 191: The Toilet Flushes Genre With Brett From Astronoid. “We’re NOT a Metal Band!”

OK be good to each other.

(Image Via)

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