Flush-It Friday: Lockdown Accomplishment


This COVID thing? Not great. Probably won’t do it again.

Shit’s tough right now. Even if this weren’t an election year packed with civil unrest, if the only major crisis we had to deal with was the pandemic, it would still be tough. I’m fortunate in that much of my lifestyle hasn’t changed, but seeing the toll it’s taking on my friends and family, combined with… well, everything else, is disheartening.

But everyone has coping strategies, and mine has been to double down on creative pursuits. I did that thing that you’re not supposed to do and made a new year’s resolution at the end of 2019: release four albums. I’ve had a bunch of music in the works for ages, and I decided it was well past time to put some of it to record. Turns out you can get a lot done when you have nowhere to go and one thing to focus on; by the end of October, I’ll have my name on five 2020 releases. After being creatively stagnant for so long, it feels good to get some projects finished.

Anyway, I don’t intend to brag here; I just want to focus on something positive today and maybe provide some encouragement for anyone else who’s been stuck with their craft. If you have any cool shit you’ve managed to get done in the past few months, I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

Some highlights from the week:

Sepulcrustacean primed us on some sweet tech death that’s a far cry from the neoclassical noodling associated with the genre:

Hateful – Set Forever On Me

The podcast boys had the grave misfortune of hearing the new Six Feet Under song. The Gofundme to cover their therapy costs is in the works:

Toilet Radio 266 – Here in my car / I’m recording a rant

BSG talked about Ihsahn’s new EP now that he can breathe freely:

REVIEW: Ihsahn – Pharos

Rolderathis gave us a story about Cosmic Reef Temple chugging xeno bathwater:

Video Premiere: Cosmic Reef Temple – “Wave Constellation”

Karhu had many kind words to say about the new Self Hypnosis record:

Review: Self Hypnosis’ Contagion of Despair

Lord of Bork made us look at this stupid thing:

Metal Health: Bang Your (Bobble)Head

Flush away, my pungent friends.

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