Premiere: Infuriate – “Matando”



Get down with the sounds of my hometown, Austin. Back in 2015, Sterling Junkin of the excellent black thrash band Widower joined up with a crew of dudes from other rad Central Texas bands to create their slick take on 90s brutal death metal that bleeds from the same rotten vein as Deeds of Flesh and Disgorge. The Texas boys have spent the last couple years putting together their self-titled debut and, brother, it was well worth taking their time for this one. “Matando”, the track we’re premiering here today, is a blistering chunk of white hot rage fitting of the band’s moniker. Junkin’s torrential blast beats serve as a razor sharp bed of nails for the bone crunching riffs Jason Garza and Steven Watkins bring to the table. Click play and experience a little A N G E R for yourself today.

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Infuriate‘s self-titled album releases on August 31st through Everlasting Spew Records.

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