Flush It Friday: The G is Silent


Aka Mr. International Waters.

I’ve talked before about the podcast All Fantasy Everything and its suite of comedians Sean Jordan, David Gborie, and Ian Karmel. I even spent a Flush It Friday on Sean Jordan’s recent special Girl Dad, which, if you haven’t listened to or watched it, you totally should! Now, I get to spend an admittedly briefer-than-usual Flush It Friday on David Gborie’s brilliant (and brilliantly titled) new special Gbirth of a Nation, released on David’s Patreon for $12. You can sign up for the Patreon for $0 and then spend $12 on the special to watch it in perpetuity. David’s also been releasing tons of videos, including a weekly Friday chat and interviews with friends/genius comedians such as Blair Socci, Langston Kerman, Sam Tallent, and Chris Estrada (from This Fool), with many more to come.

David Gborie is the kind of comedian that has always dazzled me; it’s not just how funny the jokes are (which they are) but the way of looking at the world that leads to that kind of humour. David is aslant, askew, at an awkward angle to, out of joint and step with the world, and it gives him a privileged position to (re)think through conventions, mores, and other settled notions and ideas. Through the 400+ episodes of All Fantasy Everything, he’s made some of the most singular and outside-of-your-mind picks in the podcast’s history, and we’re all the better for hearing them and getting a glimpse at how he thinks.

In this latest special, he talks about karate, what makes kids tough, France, witches, why Black Panther movies suck, all while working and interacting with the crowd in wonderfully charming, personable, and hilarious ways. He shot Gbirth of a Nation (again, let’s just reflect on how genius of a title that is) in a small 60-person venue at Dude IDK Studios in Denver (where he lives), asking all attendees to wear black. It’s filmed at very different angles that just look different than most specials. (Go through the interviews with his friends/other comedians to hear more ideas about the state of the special in comedy today.) It’s one of those specials that demands to be watched, to be experienced visually, even if it’s just as funny to hear. I’ve done both! You want to watch him, to see David interact with the crowd, to move around the space, to punctuate jokes with his face and body. You also wanna see him get real sweaty. Hell yeah.

As I’ve said in the past, I’ve been listening to AFE since 2016, and they just released their official 400th episode this week. (Though, given all the various behind-the-paywall live episodes and auction draft episodes and whatnot, they cleared 400 a while ago.) No other thing in the world of media has done more for rescuing me from terrible times and horrible moods and awful days or weeks or months or years than AFE and all the folks that constitute its broad world.

So, if standup comedy is your jam, go sign up for David’s Patreon and watch his special. It couldn’t be better.

Let’s flush!

The StickDay Flush!   The Toilerathis Tuesday!

Episode 511 of Toilet Radio. Bands get named in a long list! We frown at Marilyn Manson and company! Yes, I listened!

Toilet Radio 511 – Snotpisstium?

We were hella stoked to exclusively premiere the new full-length from Evilyn. Out today!

Exclusive Album Premiere: Evilyn’s Mondestrunken

BGK knocked it outta the park with the new Wormed. Big record with a big amount of toilets.

Review: Wormed – OMEGON

Aaron went deep on Tony Martin-era Black Sabbath. While that shit ain’t for me, Aaron’s write-ups always are.

Are The Tony Martin Black Sabbath Albums Actually That Bad, Though?

There it is! Another week in the Bowl. Go back and give some of your attention to the posts of the week. Let the contributors know what you think of the albums and songs and bands and topics they took time to discuss. Drop those GBUs in the comments. Have an effervescent weekend. Sha-clackity!

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