Flush it Friday: Too Many Things Edition


We’ve had one work week, yes. What about second work week? You know, the 40 hours of stuff that you have to pack into the other two days.

Good: I went to New York for the first time last weekend, which was pretty neat. Got to see the Cubs get their asses kicked by the Mets, which was not fun at all, but 25 oz. beers made it worth it. Saw a bunch of touristy shit, ate some decent food, then got back on the train. That’s probably all the time I needed to spend in that crowded mess for one day anyway. Also, I get to see the Cubs play again tomorrow…

Bad: But it’s in Pittsburgh, so I’ll be driving way too many hours to get there (I have to go there for other reasons too). Driving through the Never Ending Land of Trees (Pennsylvania) is nice and pretty for the first hour, but then the next six are torture. Also, the weekend after this one is 100% booked with stuff to do, including going to Rhode Island. The weekend after that I get to see Intronaut and Moon Tooth, so that’s at least one thing that is fully exiting with little downside. Is this summer over yet? I need a vacation from my vacations.

Ugly: To make things worse, I am moving at the end of the month, so that’s one more thing to do. As someone who hates planning, having this many things on my mind is a massive cause of anxiety, regardless of if they are fun things or not. I really really like downtime.

Really though, this is some first-world complaining if I’ve ever heard it. What’s your deal?


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