Fuck It Friday


It is 3 PM in the middle of the country. In two hours, this work week will be over and us 9-to-5’ers will be free for a brief respite from the relentless hell of this endless summer job that is adulthood.

Given this information, it should not be any massive surprise when I tell you that this particular post timeslot is our shittiest of the week. Most of you guys are doing stuff that is not reading Toilet ov Hell. Shame on you. Regardless, we’re somewhat-but-not-really-all-that proud to introduce a (possible, maybe?) new tradition: Fuck It Friday.

Here’s how it works: We’re gonna air a grievance (just one!) and follow it up with something positive. Is your boss a motherfucker? Let it out! Did you find a jam this week that is just way too killer? Share that sum bitch. This is an opportunity to get out the frustration and start the weekend on a positive note. GOT IT? Let’s begin.

Today I’d like to vent my white-hot ignorant rage at my microwave. Last night I was attempting to heat up a plate of tikka masala (because for some reason bachelor chow hasn’t been invented yet). About 10 seconds in to the process, smoke and sparks start shooting out of the back of the damned machine. I didn’t put metal in the chamber, just a plate and some soggy food. Is it safe to try to use the microwave again or will I burn my apartment down? If it’s broken do I need to buy a new one? Where the fuck do you recycle a broken radiation machine? I just want to reheat leftovers, DAMMIT AND FUCK IT.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE: After months of ignoring the Edward‘s suggestions, I finally gave in and listened to A Pregnant Light. APL released a new album this week that is pretty much everything I never realized I wanted to accomplish with creating music. The guitars on My Game Doesn’t Have a Name are beautifully melodic and drenched in perfect, 80s reverb while the vocals are the kind of hardcore bark I’ve been working at destroying my throat for years to recreate. This album is brilliant and I’m looking forward to listening to it over and over again for years to come.

This here is an Open Swim in the comments, but if you wanna play along just vent your rage (but be sure to follow it up with a good vibe)!

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