Flush It Friday – Bauerviolence


It’s that time again. Time to flush all the shit that stinks and praise the soft toilet paper making your life just a bit less miserable. I have a fucking cold. For most people this isnt something to bitch about. However, I haven’t been sick in 5 or 6 years so now that I’m finally sick it’s like torture since I’m not accustomed to these symptoms. It kind of reminds me of that episode of the walking dead where everyone is being killed off by a glorified cold because it’s the apocalypse and no one has medicine. Anyway, let’s get to this.
Good: I’ve started to really enjoy black metal, which is good because black metal. Perhaps that frostbitten black metal is why I have a cold now. If that’s the case, it’s totally worth it.

Bad: This cold. This shit sucks.

Ugly:Last night I had a 6x machine gun sneeze (yes that’s apparently a thing. I was surprised too.) and snot went everywhere. It was ugly.

On the bright side, it’s Friday and another lifeloving week is behind us. Celebrate/bitch with me in the comments!


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