Give Us Your Money


We like to joke around about selling out but we haven’t really done it yet. That all changes today. There comes a point in every Toilet themed metal blog’s life where it needs to ask itself, “Self, can I continue to exist and grow while making negative amounts of money?” Friends, today we’re answering that question.

Toilet ov Hell serves the weirdos of the internet with piping hot metal takes, news, reviews, podcasts, silly contests, and so much more. Our team of writers all over the world provide their own unique perspectives and sense of humor to the music we all love. We’ve been doing it for three years, all without running a single advertisement or sketchy sponsored content. Why? Because I don’t want to ruin your reading experience with bands that pay us for coverage or bullshit ads for boner pills.

That being said, running this site costs time and money. Your financial support will ease the burden of paying for data and hosting fees and help compensate TovH writers for their tremendous efforts. With your help we can grow this humble e-Toilet into an unstoppable behemoth that destroys everything in sight. PLUS, you’ll get all kinds of cool rewards for your support. Basically it’s a win/win, y’all.

Check us out on Patreon. Look around at the rewards and if you see something you’d like, please consider helping us out. As JFK once said, “Ask not what your toilet can do for you, but what you can do for your toilet.”

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