Flush it Friday: Another Year for Flushing


It has been a few weeks since we have done a standard Flush it Friday; let’s catch up on the good/bad/ugly parts of our lives before we kickoff the first normal weekend of the new year.

Good: I decided this year, since it is my first full year on the east coast, to explore these tiny states and visit a brewery or two in each state. Sound-off in the comments if there are any good ones that you recommend in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region. I would like to hit one mid-sized brewery and one microbrew/brewpub if possible.

Bad: Fucking holiday travel. I had to fly back to my homeland to visit the strangers that are connected to me by birth and had some interesting experiences. Trying to leave the airport in CT, my flight was delayed repeatedly in 20-minute intervals with no explanation. After two hours, I finally hear from another airline (because apparently this news was too embarrassing for Southwest to inform their customers about) THE ENTIRE FUCKING AIRPORT RAN OUT OF FUEL. I was not aware that not having fuel was a thing that could happen at an airport.

Chicago, not known for its beautiful winters, slush-stormed for about 10 hours on the day of my flight back. I was expecting a cancellation so I watched my phone all day. On time! Still on time! Holy shit they are actually letting us board! I am going to get back home on time! …One hour later, after sitting on an uncomfortable airplane for the entire time while we waited for a pilot to leave one plane and come fly ours, we were informed that he was not legally allowed to fly the plane tonight (probably because of time limitations?) and that our flight was cancelled. There was 6 hours I am not getting back.

Ugly: I am back to the land of ugly, floppy-ass pizza. I already miss my pizza casseroles, also known as Chicago deep dish <3.

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