
Graduate Level DISSOtation


I hope you have applied what I have attempted to teach you from my previous lessons as we arrive at the official defense of your extreme metal dissotation. I am the sole member of your committee and shall serve as the pompous detractor of your ideas and work. Lay all your hard work in front of me to judge as to whether I deem you ready to officially graduate and become a Master Baiter, or even a Purveyor of Hard Disso (PhD).

Ecliptic –Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i (September 13)


Bones Laid Beyond the Veil – Ĩdrud’​ṭ​wim’​ƚ​jx​ő​ẓ​ṭ​ih


Allow me to throw you straight into the deep end for this edition’s first release. Ecliptic prefer to create their art as only few are capable of delivering properly; dense long-form madness designed to be brain melting. Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i consists of three main tracks, each clocking in at over 12 minutes, with a brisk two-minute cap at each end. This ain’t for the faint of heart as each track is composed of shifting heaviness most others wouldn’t dare attempt. A near constant barrage of noise and slimy dissonant beatings are crafted intricately that allow the listener ample opportunity to peel back the harsh layers to find the equally harsh foundations. If you find yourself enjoying the works of such groups like Hexeth and Light Dweller, then you are in for quite a treat.

Now, what makes this release truly unique in the bloated world of dissonant metal is that is was designed to be played simultaneously with another release of ambient noise. Now, is it a requirement to play both releases to enjoy what is offered? I strongly feel that the answer is no as Ĕrǫ Űg​ṭ​h​ĩ​ƚ​xi​ƨ​ƚ​eƨ Ḳm​ƀ​a​ṗ​ḳ​ǫ​s​ħ​i is more than capable of standing on is own, but I will let you be the judge of your own taste and listening experience. The complimentary album goes by the moniker The Bones Laid Beyond the Veil entitled Ĩdrud’​ṭ​wim’​ƚ​jx​ő​ẓ​ṭ​ih. With their powers combined, we are gifted with three harrowing tracks described as:

Three gods of death and suffering: Tj’đwĕẓm, deity of miasma and disease; Ęḳƚ’rƀã, the Nameless One, an unseen entity, all-consuming fire and devourer of names; Kṗűnq’ħãq’għoqṣk’ẓãkĕ, an embodiment of the earth itself, a glutton with endless ravenous hunger for blood sacrifice. Each of their respective stories a different form of death, the ever-spiraling cycle doomed to repeat itself until an inevitable cosmic end.

I couldn’t have stated it better myself.  Adding to these is the fact that Ecliptic consists of a single member named Michael Baer who spent around three years writing and composing these releases.  Now if only I can stop being so lazy and spend three years making killer dissonant metal.

Swampworm – Architeuthis (September 12)


Now for something on the complete opposite spectrum in regards to extreme dissonant metal. Here is your second test students, but this one is quick, punchy, and will be over soon. I speak of Swampworm, who have crafted a release of grind-laden madness that also dips its toes into death and black territories as well. Architeuthis is incredibly straight-forward compared to most other dissonant releases, but that in no way diminishes the music. Hard-hitting and intense through each of the 6 tracks, here we see what Cephalic Carnage would sound like if their minds weren’t melted from constant bong hits and alien conspiracies. I also find it impressive that one can deftly implement Lovecraftian horror into something that is normally as mindless as grindcore, but there exists enough creepy and haunting guitar work to invoke the nightmarish dread that one associates with indescribable eldritch horrors. Lastly, I would be remiss not to add the band’s own words regarding certain fans: “I guess there’s no need to mention that fascist blockheads can go and fuck themselves.” 10 out of 10, no notes.

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