Joe is Out of the Office


Howdy friends. I’m taking a few days off to find something or other out in the wilds of Texas.

I’m not quite sure where I’m going or what I’m doing but that isn’t an entirely new feeling. In the interim, I’m leaving the T ov H in the very capable hands of the Masterlord and W. Our posting schedule will be a little different for this week due to a combination of my laziness and you guys being off your normal work schedules: New posts will go up at 9 AM CST and 1 PM CST. I apologize for the inconvenience and I sincerely thank you for your continued patronage of this particular internet toilet.

I’ll see you guys in the new year.

– xoxo Joe

[W. Note: This is our last official post of the day. We were going to run this at 1, but decided to push it earlier to avoid confusion. Open Swim it up!]

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