Max, Spawn of Kenny G, Joins Imperial Triumphant


Max Gorlick, son of Kenny G, turns out to be a skilled musician with a taste for metal. He’s joined up with NYC black metal band Imperial Triumphant.

The early 90s were a weird time for music. If you were incarcerated or perhaps not yet alive to experience this era, you missed out on a renaissance of white musicians getting down on some new age vibes to the delight of a shockingly chill America. From coast to coast, the country sounded like the inside of The Nature Company. Some of the top selling artists from 1991 through 1994 included Yanni, Enya, Enigma, and the legendary Kenny G.

Kenny G, man of glorious curly mane and impossibly long single notes, has made a long and successful career as a purveyor of soundtracks to your parents boning, i.e. smooth jazz. Understandably, Kenny has been the butt of many a lazy joke over the years. I’ve got no beef with the man. I heard him guest on an episode of Dinner Party Download and thought he sounded like a pretty sweet dude, even though his music isn’t really my cup of tea.

It turns out that Kenny G, otherwise known as Kenny Gorelick, has a son named Max Gorelick who can fucking rip the guitar. It makes sense that the scion of a man known for instrumental prowess would pick up a theory lesson or two. Though it hasn’t been updated in a couple of years, you should check out Max’s YouTube channel to see him shred through Wintersun and Animals as Leaders tracks.

In the time since recording those vids, it seems that Max has got hip to the hideous, dissonant sounds of avant-garde black metal. According to Imperial Triumphant, he’s joined their crew for their current tour.


Imperial Triumphant are currently on tour with Luminous Vault. Go check ’em out in a city near you.

October 12th – Cleveland, OH
October 13th – Detroit, MI
October 14th – Indianapolis, IN
October 16th – Milwaukee, WI
October 17th – Pittsburgh, PA

(h/t Sean)

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