
Parius Ventures Into Deep Space To Follow “The Signal”


We like to do a little progging around here.

My friends, I am very excited about our premiere for you today. Parius has been in my rotation since first featuring them on Tech Death Thursday back in 2017, and their follow-upThe Eldritch Realm, has grown into one of my favorite prog death albums over the past few years. They have a penchant for catchy melody and hooks- tough to achieve within a progressive music framework- and go over the top in vibe more than in songwriting. Their music is a ton of fun, and now they’re back and taking things in a new direction with their upcoming release.

“The Signal” sees them ditch the death metal entirely and fully embrace the prog side they flirted with on The Eldritch Realm. It’s a risky move to be sure, but Parius has already demonstrated their mastery over cheesiness with the pulp horror elements on their last album, and that mastery carries over to pulp sci-fi as well. The Signal Heard Throughout Space is a full-blown space opera concept album, and “The Signal” is the first chapter on this journey. It has all the grandiose sense of adventure about it that one would expect from a space epic, accentuated by the addition of keyboardist Sean Gallagher, but it flows with an undercurrent of melancholy and menace. In other words, it’s still very Parius- they’ve just got some new tricks up their sleeves. Says the band on the song:

The Signal is the first real track on the album following the overture. This was a really chaotic song during the writing process that almost got cut because it was this 15+ minute song that had all these sections – which probably sounds exciting to prog fans – but it really was a mess before we started to chisel away at it. So its unconventional structure is a result of cutting it down to probably half of the sections we had as well as looking at some other stuff that never really repeats itself like a lot of Protest the Hero songs and the first Enfold Darkness record.

It’s also our first song with no screaming at all, which was daunting for us to imagine releasing as the first single; but Jason from Willowtip actually felt pretty strongly about putting it out first and said that this was the song that sold him on the record when we first sent it over to him. So without further ado, please enjoy The Signal!

The Signal Heard Throughout Space releases on October 7th via Willowtip. Be sure to give Parius a shoutout on Facebook as well.

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