
Premiere: Horse Butcher – “Compressed Cylinder of Brain Matter”


On that 24/7 goregrindset

Do you feel like your grave isn’t pissed enough lately? Perhaps your goats remain woefully unarched? Fear not, for Horse Butcher are here to butcher that pesky dead horse taking up space, and that’s basically the same as those first two things. Jokes aside, our premiere for you today, “Compressed Cylinder of Brain Matter,” shares as much of their DNA with the previously alluded-to acts as they do with Carcass circa ’89 and hints of earlier Exhumed. It’s not quite outright goregrind in the modern sense, but rather gore-drenched grindy death metal.

There’s a difference, I swear.

In any case, “Compressed Cylinder of Brain Matter” is short and to the point, violent and filthy. There are no frills and nothing fancy to be found here; just relentless, blistering riffs that only let up long enough for a sickening gurgle to interject. Get on this if you crave violence.

Horse Butcher’s self-titled album is out on December 20th via Sentient Ruin. You can also hear “Penduncular Hallucinosis” in all its horrid glory over on Bandcamp, a song about which the band has this to say (which I really think embodies the spirit of the album as a whole):

Penduncular Hallucinosis is a neurological phenomenon that causes vivid visual hallucinations that typically occur in dark environments, usually caused by brain infection or tumors. Most of the songs on this record are about either psychological and physical pathology, and most of them are about the relationship between the two. One of the songs (not this one) is about butchering livestock, hence the name. Humans are animals, animals are meat, humans are meat. Interpret that however you’d like. We just wanted to write some nasty-sounding shit and have the subject matter match. So here you go.

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