YOU Pick the Next Toilet ov Hell Tournament


You bitch about the competitors. You bitch about the results. Now it’s time to bitch about the entire competition.

The only thing the Toilet ov Hell loves more than a good competition is a bad competition. From the Best Unsigned Band in the U.S. to the Greatest Concept Album of All Time to the Worst Metal Song of All Time, we love to take unwitting participants and make them fight to the death for our own idle amusement. It’s fuckin’ awesome, man. Now it’s time to choose our next great quest for ultimate glory and we need your help. Vote below and tell me what the next great TovH competition will be.

[yop_poll id=”312″]

Have another idea? Put it in the comments below. If it’s good enough, I’m going to steal it and refuse to give you credit. Happy voting everyone.

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