PREMIERE: Nigredo – “Mental Glimpses At Cosmic Horrors”


An ode to a Grecian burn.

Who knew glimpsing at cosmic horrors could be so much fun? Greek black metal duo Nigredo bring together elements of bands like Bolzer and Svartidaudi, streamline it, and infuse it with their own strain of propulsive energy. Driving the band’s destructive force is Maelstrom, drummer for roughly seven thousand Greek metal bands and a total motherfucker behind the kit. Throughout Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced, Nigredo’s first LP, Maelstrom guides the band through chaotic transitions and death-defying crashes. Vocalist, guitarist, AND bassist, “A.”, weaves spindly blackened riffs that crawl into your ear and leave a sticky residue through your brain.

We’re stoked to premiere “Mental Glimpses at Cosmic Horrors”,  a track that showcases Nigredo’s greatest talents; breakneck speed, aggression, and inventive songcraft. Click play to check it out for yourself.

Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced drops April 15th via Transcending Obscurity. Check out Nigredo on Facebook. Pick up the record here and listen to three additional tracks.

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