Premiere: Vanta – Zero Kelvin


Hey, what’s cooler than cool?  I said, what’s cooler than cool?  A theoretical molecular state in which particles have a minimal vibrational motion!

Well, the year is already proving to be a ludicrously hot bastard.  Already several places are experiencing record breaking heat waves, and ice cream salesmen are rejoicing.  That being said, Budapest’s sludge flingers, Vanta, want to remind everyone of how cold it can be with the title single from their new album, Zero Kelvin.

The song, “Zero Kelvin”  is a beautifully melodic and weirdly hypnotic track that builds in intensity and complexity as it progresses.  The addition of the tastefully integrated cello by Márk Rostetter both serves to build emotion at the beginning of the track and intensity towards the end.  Overall, the song has a strong feeling of acceptance and peace in the face of devastation that I find to be both refreshing and deeply enjoyable.

Of the piece, Vanta elaborate:

“Zero Kelvin, the title song of our debut album, is something different compared to the music we usually write. Most of our songs are loud, distorted, and dark, but this one is beautiful and cold.

We asked our friend Márk Rostetter to play the cello in this song, and he composed neoclassical melodies coming from the heart which perfectly align with the atmosphere we imagined.

We like to describe the album itself as a collection of dystopian lullabies: songs of frustration, depression, and anger. This one is the final lullaby, a song about death. At a temperature of Zero Kelvin, nothing survives.”

Without further ado, I’m happy to present to you the premiere of “Zero Kelvin” by Vanta.

Zero Kelvin comes out on July 2nd, 2021.  Hey, that’s today!  Get it here.

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