Toilet Radio 433 – The Great Leap Forward
This week on Toilet Radio we’re comparing and contrasting the very beginning with the most recent output of a whole ... -
Forlorn Skies: An Introduction to Melodic Death Metal
Everyone knows how death metal started, more or less, even if the details can be a bit hazy to those ... -
Sepulkrustacean’s Catacomb Ventures: Five Skin-Crawling Oddities from the Underground
Some say there’s little in metal that’s truly obscure nowadays thanks to the internet, filesharing, youtube, cultural marxist Lizard People ... -
Friday the Mailmanbroteenth
You are Mailmanbro’s good friend. Your ravenous appetite for physical media from far away places is good for his job security. ... -
Sunday Sesh: Whatchu Road Trippin’ To?
When people ask me my preferred way to listen to music my response comes without hesitation: in my truck out ... -
Who is your favorite One-Album Wonder?
In this very special guest post, our buddy Zeke is asking you a question: Who is your favorite One-Album Wonder? -
KYPCK – 3epo, Review
ITT: Gimmicks, Doom metal, Meshuggah and some second-hand review (pronounced “zero”). -
Riff of the Week: The Hologram Edition
The Masterlord blew it again, so now you’re stuck with me.