Sunday Sesh: Whatchu Road Trippin’ To?


When people ask me my preferred way to listen to music my response comes without hesitation: in my truck out on the road.

It’s an answer that raises a few eyebrows in a largely headphone dominated genre but it is easily where I get my most serious listening done. While I have headphones on or I’m listening to my stereo there is a decent chance that the music is acting as background noise while I do something else (like right now) rather than being something I can focus on. Out on the road, though, the music doesn’t just act as some sort of filler that I can occasionally tune into and enjoy: It becomes the soundtrack to a journey.

It probably goes without saying then that I get pretty excited about fairly lengthy road trips. A solid three to five hour road trip is intimate, uninterrupted time with music both beloved and brand new and there is nothing quite like it. I’m perhaps a little weird about it in that I spend quite a bit of time trying to figure out what I’m going to listen to. Exclusively new albums I’ve missed? A personal favorite? An older gem that I’ve overlooked or ignored? HORRENDOUS ON REPEAT?

I generally go for either all newer albums or a mix of everything, but it’s Sunday funday so let’s get a little silly with it and I’ll give you my choices for each of those categories listed above.


I haven’t “missed” this one as it just came out this weekend, but I haven’t gotten in more than one listen and I’m eager to spend more time with it.


Totally unsurprising, but Leviathan is a road trip staple for me. All these years later it still captivates me in a way few other albums do.


As someone who mostly listens to death metal, I feel a bit embarrassed admitting that I’ve never really listened to Sentenced. I’ve heard a song or two from Shadows of the Past but never dug any deeper than that. I’d change the hell out of that on a road trip.


For the sake of this exercise, let’s just say you had to choose one song and listen to it on repeat for the duration of the trip. I’d probably go with “Ozymandias” off of Anareta because it’s one of the jammiest jams I’ve ever heard in my life and I can’t help but rage along whenever I hear it.

Now it’s your turn! Given those 4 categories, what will you be jamming on your next road trip?

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