This Toilet Tuesday (11/11/14)
Ahh, November. The weather has cooled, the trees are barren, and the snow falls like angel shit. It’s fucking miserable: ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (11/4/14)
Welcome, fellow denizens of the porcelain palace, to another Toilet Tuesday! Though the tide of releases has stemmed somewhat this ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (10/21/14)
One does not truly know strife until they have experienced a full week of hard drinking and Thai food. Sure, ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (10/7/14)
Greetings, flushers! As October continues to gush forth its torrential new-release-diarrhea, W, Leif Bearikson, Stockhausen, and I remain ever-vigilant against ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (9/30/14)
I’m sure most of you are familiar with the concept of kaiten-zushi, if not necessarily the term. It’s a type ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (9/23/14)
Greetings and welcome again to This Toilet Tuesday, fellow flushketeers. Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of big releases to ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (9/16/14)
It’s the end of a nice relaxing day. You’re tired but happy, going about your usual just-before-bed business when you’re ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (9/9/14)
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? If you answered yes, have you ever eaten at the buffet at the ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (9/2/2014)
This Toilet Tuesday (9/2/2014) Greetings, flushers. I come to you today bearing good and bad news. The good news is ... -
This Toilet Tuesday (8/25/2014)
This week we don’t have a whole lot to report. This is just like any other regular bowel movement. It ...