The Best Band in the United States is Sylvia

The people have spoken, and they declared Sylvia to be the best unsigned band in the United States.
Way, way, way, way back when the Toilet ov Hell was in its infancy, we had a silly idea. We thought it would be fun to go through all 50 states and write about our favorite unsigned band from each place. It was a lot of damn work. We’ve burned thousands of man hours scouring the web, voting, writing about, and arguing over this collection of 50 geographically diverse bands. Then we handed the reigns to you.
In a no-holds-barred bracket of 50 bands, Sylvia came in unseeded and proceeded to destroy every band they competed against. This was not an easy path to victory. Sylvia went up against several early favorites in this competition. The Seduction, The Sleer, Existem, Destroy Judas, and Blackgate all looked like they could easily take the entire contest. In the end, you guys deemed Sylvia to be superior to all. Let’s take a look at the tally:
Though I was POSITIVE Texas was the greatest state in the union, we now have conclusive proof. Sylvia is the best unsigned band in the US, and Maine is the best state in this nation. This decision is final and no appeals will be accepted. See you all in Portland! No, the other Portland. Lobster and dead Stephen King characters for everyone!
“Sylvia offer varying speeds and tempos, accelerating to enable thunderous drum beats replete with furious guitar riffs that crush souls… before abruptly taking a foot off the gas to pummel you into submission with lurching, sinister breakdowns.” (Read the full writeup)
Like Sylvia on Facebook and give them a meaty pat on the back. They earned it.
Schmitty: Maine’s state motto, ‘The Way Life Should Be’ sure sounds like the kind of meaningless self-promotion you’d find at a Fortune 500 boardroom in Anywhere, USA. Sylvia, however, have proven that this isn’t merely corporate jargon by riding a groundswell of grassroots support past hundreds of bands on their way to being crowned the undisputed Best Unsigned Band in the USA. Now that the Devil’s Toilet hath declared thee so, I’m sure the record deals, drug-and-groupie orgy party invitations and world tour offers will pour right on in. Congrats gents, you’ve ‘made it!’
Randall Thor: While I am saddened that our warriors fell on the final battlefield, I am thrilled that a power (thrash) band made it so far on a site that is typically not very receptive to power metal and related genres. Congratulations warriors, you did well. Congratulations to Sylvia and Blackgate for rallying their fans to visit our site and getting people excited about this contest!
CyBro: I’d like to write more about Sylvia but my face has been melted off. Congrats to both Sylvia and Blackgate for making it to the final round.
Check out the rest of the best bands in the United States:
Alabama — Phylum
Alaska — Terraform
Arizona – Take Over And Destroy
Arkansas – Torii
California – Destroy Judas
Colorado – The Sleer
Connecticut – Autumn’s Eyes
Delaware – Sloss
Florida – Capracide
Georgia – Lost Hours
Hawaii – Darkest Path
Idaho – Rotten Hand
Illinois – Deus Ex
Indiana – Thorr-Axe
Iowa – Blizzard at Sea
Kansas – Bummer
Kentucky – Ad Infinitum
Louisiana – Withering Light
Maine – Sylvia
Maryland – Bereave
Massachusetts – Scaphism
Michigan – Blackgate
Minnesota – Noble Beast
Mississippi – Jared Moran (Yzordderrex/Uzumaki)
Missouri – Existem
Montana – Martriden
Nebraska – Borealis
Nevada – Elephant Rifle
New Hampshire – Eerie
New Jersey – Black Table
New Mexico – Void Ritual
New York – HUSH.
North Carolina – The Seduction
North Dakota – Gorgatron
Ohio – Prize the Doubt
Oklahoma – Cottonmouth
Oregon – Drouth
Pennsylvania – Burden
Rhode Island – Eternal Khan
South Carolina – Solaire
South Dakota – Jelly Nutz Justoner
Tennessee – Forest of Tygers
Texas – Peasant
Utah – Disforia
Vermont – Vaporizer
Virginia – Grethor
Washington – Witch Ripper
West Virginia – Horseburner
Wisconsin – Arctic Sleep
Wyoming – Reproacher