The Monday Press: Voivod, Bölzer, Blut aus Nord and More!


I have gathered you here today to talk about all the streams, tours, and album announcements from the past few days. Get your wallets ready.

Intronaut, Entheos, and Moon Tooth are touring this summer. I am super excited to see two of those bands, so I’ll be at the Worcester, MA show if anyone wants to meet up. I would say to look for the least metal-looking guy there, but there will be a bunch of Evan Brewer fans, so that might not work.


To contrast my prog-centric tour news, I should also mention a Venom Inc. and Necrophagia tour.


Not enough tours, you say? Voivod are touring the US and Canada soon with King Parrot and Child Bite. “Child bite king parrot” sounds like a text you would get that makes you leave work for a family emergency.


I forgot if people like Whitechapel. If you do, here is some new Whitechapel streaming from Metal Blade.

Fresh off the new Deftones release, Chino Moreno has a new side project called Saudade (people are using that word “supergroup” again for no apparent reason). The first song they released is actually quite weird and enjoyable.

Wayfarer are continuing to kick ass in the atmospheric black metal realm. Stream their new track below.  Album out June 17th.

What did I miss? News it up!

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