TMP: Bedsore, Gaerea, Vile Creature, and More!
A lot of good stuff this week, but maybe from bands you don’t know. Click some links!
20 buck death from Bedsore.
More 20 buck death from Terminal Nation.
Tite sounding death doom from Fires In The Distance.
Blackened stuff from Gaerea.
- Mushroomhead thinks you want 2.5 minutes of intro video.
- Falconer back with more prog power.
- New single from Night Demon.
- Stoner doomy stuff, I think, from Zombi.
- Inter Arma covering NIN.
- Another Vile Creature I need to set 13 minutes aside for.
- Three more hours (perceived) from Bell Witch and Aerial Ruin.
- Dead Cross covered Black Flag.
- Prisonitions Of War (guitarist arrested with nearly $2 million in his car).
- Please god don’t click this. (365 has a gift. Actually, maybe a curse).
- Hardcore from Year of the Knife.
- Rope Sect premiered another one at Cvlt Nation.
- New Resin Tomb sounds pretty dope.
- Two new Acacia Strain tracks.
- Every Time I Die giving a little teaser.
Also: - Lord of the Lost
- Humanity’s Last Breath
- All Them Witches
- Polkadot Cadaver
- The Moon and The Nightspirit
- Sun Of The Sleepless Kristall
- Lares
- The Devil’s Trade