TMP: Fen, Lord Mantis, The Drowning, and More!


I promise there is no Steel Panther/Motley Crue news within. It’s safe to open.

Fen doing that Agalloch thing extremely well.

Hour of Penance vid and track, album out Friday.

Another Lord Mantis.

Good stuff from Wilderun, album out November 1.

  • Rivers of Nihil, Thy Art is Murder, Carnifex, Fit for an Autopsy going to Europe.
  • Another Mayhem.
  • New Child Bite, one of those band names I see constantly but don’t think I have ever given a shot.
  • Tech death from Odius Mortem.
  • Ingested tour, with others.
  • Orangutan Pizza and Amaranthe signed with Nuclear Blast.
  • Decibel’s Beer & Metal 2020 fest announced a bunch of bands playing full albums.
  • Emperor added to the 70000 tons cruise.
  • Blackened stuff from Abigail Williams. Pretty solid.
  • Boris doing Boris things.
  • Lindemann doing German things.
  • New track from The Drowning.
  • Shit, I forgot to mention Nequient’s mini-tour that is happening now.
  • The Old Dead Tree released some melancholy. The album that is coming soon was written in 1999 before the death of a bandmate.

The Rest:

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