TMP: Napalm Death, Ne Obliviscaris, Ufomammut, and More!


It’s Labor Day here in the US, which means that we will be too busy to labor over blog posts for your entertainment. Unfortunately, this will be the only post of the day, so feel free to discuss any additional news that happens throughout the day, brag about how little labor you are doing, or complain about our weird holidays.

The Black Dahlia Murder and Napalm Death are touring the US with some decent support groups. Get the dates and more info here.

TBDM tour

Ne Obliviscaris are touring the down under with The Ocean in November and December, then they are off to start writing new material. This is very exciting news for someone who just finally got into The Citadel.


Crowbar released the first song off their album, coming October 28. This will be their first album with their original bassist, Todd “Sexy T” Strange, since 2000. I wish I had a cool nickname.

Finnish doom metal band KYPCK has a new song out from their upcoming album called C-3PO, uhh, I mean 3epo, which will be out September 16.

Testament released the title track off of The Brotherhood of the Snake, which is also out October 28. Side story, when I went to listen to this, I accidentally had it playing through Twitter and Youtube at the same time, so it sounded like the most complicated song of all time.

Early last week, spazz-professionals Destrage released a new song off their album coming in October.

Saor announced a new album coming November 11.


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