TMP: Sinasenum, Immortal, Carach Angren, and more!


Just a hoard of new tracks to go through today, don’t fall behind!

New track from Sinsaenum.

Monotheist has a new tune too.

If our review didn’t tantalize you enough, here’s another Immortal track.

  • I wish I was in Europe for this Rolo Tomassi and Blood Command tour.
  • New grind from Bastard Noise.
  • Deicide announced a new album coming in September.
  • Periphery launched a record label. The first track they released is… not metal. Or good.
  • Nequient is hitting the east side of the country on a tour.
  • Mammoth Grinder have a little PNW tour. Also a new video.
  • New Integrity video.
  • Another BTBAM track preview.
  • Black Tusk is touring with Whores.
  • Converge dropped a surprise EP.
  • Another new Coheed.
  • Pig Destroyer album trailer.
  • New Siege of Power, but now without Bob Bagchus they can no longer claim to be more Asphyx than Asphyx.
  • Carach Angren announced a tour with Mors Principium Est.
  • Overkill, Destruction, Flotsam & Jetsam Eurotour.
  • Some details on the new Aborted album.
  • The Cavaleras are planning on touring with some specific Sepultura material.
  • There’s been a little more back and forth on the whole Maynard thing. Woohoo.

New track time! Which of these are catching your fancy?

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