Toilet ov Hell Radio Episode 6: The Just Joe Edition


In this episode of Radio Toilet ov Hell, Joe does his best to carry the whole show on his broad, chiseled shoulders. This week features music from Severe, Eternal Sleep, Crucial Fix, Kassad, and Sadistic Ritual.

Music featured in this program:

Severe – “2006” from the Trapped in a Scene comp (Discogs)
Eternal Sleep – “Red Herring” from their upcoming LP The Emptiness Of… (Preorder)(Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Crucial Fix – “To Be Or Not To Be” from their Crucial Fix LP (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Kassad – “Revenge” from the Humans EP (Facebook)(Bandcamp)
Sadistic Ritual – “Edge of the Knife” from Edge of the Knife EP (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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