Another day, another doodoo.
Felicitations, flatulators! I hope you’re all doing well. And if you aren’t, I hope that changes this week!
For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s getting to be that time of the year, isn’t it? The weather’s cooling down, some trees are starting to show signs of changing colors, pumpkin spice flavors are starting to hit the shelves, and those 4-sided uglysleeves are coming out of the bottom of your dresser. Autumn arriveth! Sure, we’ve got about a week or so before it’s here here, but when you hate the heat as much as I do, you count every win, no matter how small.
Speaking of things that are small—or rather, things that are short—I’d like to take a moment to introduce you to one of the finest fall films ever to grace television.
Now I say film, but it’s actually a TV show that can be watched in its entirety in about an hour and 40 minutes. On the off chance that you haven’t seen Over the Garden Wall, it’s kind of a tough one to explain without giving too much of the plot away. The gist of it is that there are two brothers (one of whom is voiced by Elijah Wood) who are lost in the woods and during their journey home, a bunch of paranormal stuff starts happening. If you’ve got that inner English teacher in you that loves to dig around in the minutia of media for signs and symbolism, boy is this a show for you. Combine that with gorgeous visuals, stellar voice acting, and an absolutely gorgeous soundtrack and you’ve got yourself one heck of a show. Ever since I saw it back in 2019, I’ve made a point to watch it every year with as many folks as I can gather and inevitably, the people who haven’t seen it absolutely fall in love. This show spreads like wildfire, and this is your invitation to strike a match.
Wait, no, not in there! That’s the Toilet ov Hell!! Who knows what noxious fumes you could ignite? We’d better flush, for your safety and mine.
Brock, Toilet ov Hell’s resident disso disciple, provides us with a porcelain platter of plentifully pungent polyphant:
Roldy brings us a fresh track from Ashen Tomb:
Joe and 365 get into it in regards to everyone’s favorite Russian asset on this weeks episode of Toilet Radio:
Metal Aged Mom tells the harrowing tale of her near-death experience at Michigan Metalfest:
Sean hits us with a review of the new Item 9:
And that’s it for this week! Thanks for sticking around. As always, we’re pleased to have you. Especially when you post those GBUs!
G: My cassette tape player is coming today, so my home listening system is finally finished.
B: This will cause me to spend more money on tapes.
U: The amount of raw black metal my poor housemates will have to hear from downstairs (they’ll get over it).