Toilet Radio 125: All My Heroes Have Always Been Metalboys


YEEHAW, PARDNER. It’s a rootin’, tootin’ episode as we talk about Coal Chamber, gODHEAD, Hootie and other 90s has-beens making the baffling decision to go country. If that’s not enough, we’re discussing Tim Lambesis and the unwelcome return of As I Lay Dying. We’re also talking about getting hella tatties, white people killing themselves at Kenny Chesney concerts, and rumors that David Vincent of Morbid Angel was super into fascist literature back in the 90s. Is it a good episode? Baby, I never promised you a rose garden.

Music featured on this program:
Afflictive Nature – “Skull Dice”

Want to leave us a voicemail? Dial up (903) 884-6533 and we’ll play your message on a future episode.

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