Toilet Radio 142: Online Harassment with ZEALOTRY


Unlocked! This week’s show is a powerful combo. We’re premiering a never-before-heard track from Massachusetts progressive death metal unit Zealotry and speaking with Roman, the mastermind behind the riffs. Join us as we discuss composing music, what to do with your hands when you’re performing live, getting in bizarre Facebook beefs with dudes in classic death metal bands, and the real reason middle aged dudes start listening to Infowars and believing conspiracy theories. Come for the music, stay for the chit chat. At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds drops December 8th on Unspeakable Axe Records.

Music featured on this episode:

Zealotry – “At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds” from At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds
Zealotry – “Primus Venatoris” from At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds

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