Toilet Radio 143: A Supposedly Fun Episode


I managed to drag myself out of bed to record a show with my friends. We talked about silly shit for a while before Jon from Conan was supposed to call in for an interview. That didn’t happen. Instead, that doom metal motherfucker ghosted us. Instead, you’ve got the three Toilet Boys discussing extreme Internet backlash to Neckbeard Deathcamp, the uselessness of calling out hypocrisy, Brenocide throwing his step dad through a glass table, the hellish experience of seeing Megadeth on a cruise ship, Machine Head definitely not breaking up, and how to wear your pants when you’re a lumpy boi. Is it a good episode? Who’s to say? God? We’ll see you in hell.

Music featured on this episode:

Phrenelith – “Ornamented Dead Eyes” from Ornamented Dead Eyes

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