TMP: Conan, Primitive Man, Barren Earth, and More!


It’s national “call in sick (bloated and hungover)” day in the US. Metal might not be what you want to hear this early, but I have a whole bunch of news to share.

Amon Amarth is touring the US with Goatwhore.

Amon Amarth

Conan is touring with North. I’ve somehow never listened to Conan, and I’ll fix that, but North is awesome.


Those of us who purchased that awesome Zeal and Ardor album after Ron Deuce wrote about it last year have been confused as to why the album vanished from public view. If you haven’t been keeping up, he got picked up by a label and is releasing the album again soon. He also got a band together to perform live. Here’s a little taste of that.

Non-metal band that I have a hard time explaining but I sorta like anyway, Future Islands, has a new song out, album coming in April.

Damnit Mastodon, I thought you wanted me to be a new fan?

There was just too much news to handle over the past few days, so I am sure a few things slipped through the cracks, what did I miss?

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