Toilet Radio 220: And Now The Stories You Missed This Year


For some reason we started this episode talking about Dustin Hoffman. Then we got into company xmas party talk. BUT THEN we discussed the news stories we didn’t get a chance to talk about throughout the year. FIRST UP: a definitely official cease and desist letter from an artist that maaaaay have accidentally drawn a 1930’s era anti-semitic album cover. Dragged Into Sunlight called out their label, Prosthetic Records, over refusing to pay the band royalties. This somehow didn’t make the news splash it should have and we ask why. Also, we ask what it’s like to be cash poor but clout rich. Sear Bliss dropped off Asgardsrei, an overt NSBM festival, claiming that they’re apolitical. How tf did they get added to that bill in the first place? / A timeout for Hunter Biden boys chat / Tripp Eisen (Static X, Dope, California Prison for pedophilia) has a new libertarian themed industrial metal band and LOOOOOOOOOOOOL. And finally, we meet our favorite new character in the metalverse: James Kottak, former drummer for Scorpions. If you listen to nothing else on this episode, PLEASE enjoy meeting our new friend James.

Music featured on this episode:
CarcassUnder the Scalpel Blade

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