Toilet Radio 313 – Money for Nothing on My Twitch Stream


Joe and Breno are biding our time for one more sode before Jordan makes his triumphant return. Segments on this week’s show include:
Matt Heafy of Trivium talking to the dang New York Times (?!) about his extremely successful Twitch stream and whether or not making a bunch of money to do internet stuff is a good idea. / Frank Bello of Anthrax comes out hard against hand shaking and IT IS HARD TO DISAGREE WITH HIS STANCE / Gene Simmons lobbies congress to help musicians get paid. We suggest an alternative: neo-primitive bard life / We talk VERY BRIEFLY about Motley Crue with a new wrinkle in the band’s success story. SPOILER: It’s nepotism! / We take a look at the first big onslaught of tours we’ve all been desperate for after a year and some change of lockdowns and, wouldn’t you know it, the shit is back. / Hellfest: It’s big!

Music featured on this sode:
Witch Vomit – Funeral Purgation

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