Toilet Radio 369 – An Excessively Dick-Focused Episode


This week on Toilet Radio: we’re taking a quick detour to the movie theater to check out The Northman (feat. Willem Dafoe’s giant dick). From there, we discuss a Tik Tok rapper’s take on Slayer’s Raining Blood – it’s the future of rock, unfortunately! Judas Priest enters the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame and for one brief, shining moment, Eddie Trunk was silent. We’re getting excited about Sharon Osbourne’s thrilling new documentary series focused on the topic everyone associates with Sharon Osbourne: cancel culture. We have a long discussion about the imminent loss of rights to bodily autonomy so if you don’t want to hear that, I recommend you skip this episode. Finally, we talk about Danzig’s decision to call it quits. Folks, it’s been a week and it’s been an episode.

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Music featured on this ‘sode:
Old Nick Ghost O’ Clock

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