Toilet Radio 401 – The Voivod Episode


Hot damn, it’s a new episode of Toilet Radio! This week, our chief Gen X correspondent Ian sits down with Dan “Chewy” Mongrain of Voivod to talk about how, exactly, to get that Voivod guitar tone. No shit, we’re giving you a step-by-step guide to getting the exact Voivod sound on guitar. Also, Ian gets Chewy to open up about cartoons like Batman and Ultraman. BUT FIRST, you have the three regular hosts talking about August Burns Red cheaping out with some awful AI artwork for their new album and Joe Brandon threatening Ticket Master over their horseshit fees. It’s a good one. Interview starts at 34:20.

Music featured on this week’s show:
Voivod – The End of Dormancy (Metal Section)

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(Image Via)

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