
You asked for it, so we’re giving it to you. BRENOCIDE makes his triumphant return to the show to help us dissect the life and times of Sirius XM Liquid Metal DJ/programmer Jose Mangin. Who is he? What does he do? Why is he the Worst? These questions and more are answered on this episode as we give Jose the flushing he so clearly deserves. Also on the program, Brenocide relentlessly doxxes us all. If that’s not enough for you, we’re exploring Joey DeMaio’s relationship with his mother, the guitarist from Asking Alexandria ruining his child’s life, and we’re talking about everyone’s favorite blog for hatereading, MetalSucks. It’s a good ass episode.

Music featured on this program:

Martyrdöd – “Wipeout” from List (Facebook)(Bandcamp)

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