
The Midwestern lords of midtempo sludge riffs are back with their sleaziest jam to date.

Aziza may be a young band from the clean streets of Minneapolis, MN, but their upcoming Council Of Straightjackets EP sounds like something Eyehategod would write if Jimmy Bower got really into European tech-death and Mike IX started wearing corpsepaint. It’s a true hardcore/metal crossover record built on a foundation of hearty downtuned chugs, tasty leads, and the perfect groove/blastbeat ratio to encourage maximum beer consumption from humans of all walks of life.

Today we have the pleasure of premiering a track from Council of Straitjackets called “Super Predator”, presumably named in honor of our esteemed runner-up in chief‘s noble efforts in the spectacularly effective* “War On Drugs” back in the ’90s. This track is a live staple for Aziza, and I’ve had the pleasure of hearing it played in many dingy Minneapolis basements. The first time I heard it, I realized immediately that Aziza had struck gold. The snaking, dissonant guitar bends that “Super Predator” is built around are grotesquely sexy and only give way once an equally filthy rock and roll groove overtakes the song halfway through, which all leads to the dumbest/proggiest breakdown this band could pull off and still try to call themselves a “punk” band. Click the play button below for your first taste from Council of Straitjackets, and then set a reminder for yourself to download the full release from Aziza’s Bandcamp page this Wednesday, July 26th.

Give Aziza your Facebook like here and add their releases to your Bandcamp collection here.

*Truth fact: no one in America has done a drug since 1999. Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton!

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