
Warbeast/Rigor Mortis Frontman Bruce Corbitt Needs Your Help


The legendary Texas frontman has been having heart problems and could use a hand.

I’ve never had the chance to meet Bruce Corbitt in person but by all accounts he is both a humble and lovable human being, which makes the news that he is having heart issues all the worse. Mere weeks after helping to open the Texas Musician’s Museum in Irving, Texas, the Rigor Mortis frontman found himself on an operating table.

I come from a family with a long line of heart problems so I understand that not only is it very scary, it is also very expensive. That cost must seem all the greater to any musician not named Beyonce, so Mr. Corbitt and his loved ones have opened up a donation page to help pay some of the expenses. The goal is $9,000, which is by no means insurmountable if everyone chips in a few bones. You can donate and send positive thoughts here, or if you happen to be in Ft. Worth, there is going to be a benefit concert for him in October featuring Wizards of Gore.

While he just had heart surgery the other day, it doesn’t seem like Corbitt is out of the woods just yet. According to his facebook he is already back in the ER, less than 24 hours after being released.

Everyone here at the Toilet is hoping for speedy recovery for the frontman and sending well wishes to both him and his family. Stay strong, Bruce! Here’s my personal favorite Rigor Mortis track, “Foaming at the Mouth.”

(Image VIA)

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