Flush It FrI, Voidhangerday


Let’s listen to some metal for a change.

A while back, our Ironest of Goddesses used this space to bring up the topic of which label has the best run of consecutive dope album releases/best cumulative output. Some quick Ctrl+F action tells me that nobody brought up I, Voidhanger, who consistently release wonderfully weird stuff. Today is no exception to that, as the label has dropped three absolute scorchers.

Vertebra Atlantis is a new project from That Person Known as G.G., and as evidenced by the Turris Eburnea EP earlier this year and the full-length by their main project Cosmic Putrefaction last year, they’ve got hella chops when it comes to twisting, winding, creative metal. This record leans on dissonant black metal and otherworldly synths to enhance the base death metal stock, and it’s a heck of a ride.

France’s one-man project Creature will be talked about in an upcoming episode of Riff Raff, so I’ll just say that if you’re into prog metal or, more broadly, into the kinda metal that doesn’t really give two hoots about subgenres, Eloge de L’Ombre is a an absolute must. The symphonic elements from the last record have been dialed back to make room for pretty much every other aspect of contemporary metal, and it’s glorious. Featuring Baard Kolstad on drums.

Lastly, Ars Magna Umbra probably wins best cover art. Spooky Mansion had this to say about their brand of black metal: “Loving the jagged disso being played with such a hypnotic gentleness in many ways. It roils from placid, weightless basking to shivering sharpness, freed by adroit fills and slippery patterns from the drums. You’ll definitely feel the Magna-fied Umbra right down to your Ars. And ffs, I Voidhanger need to snatch up Void Witch if they know what’s good for them.”

But enough about metal. Let’s turn to this week’s metal instead.

365 pulled a 50 Cent and took 9 bullets for us:

I Listened To All 9 Psycho Synner Albums

Carcassbomb blessed us with that cheap cheap:

Free Flush Vol 13: HxC Edition

Megachiles got nasty af with some def doom, including the aforementioned Void Witch:

A Diminutive Double Death Doom Do-Si-Do

And just earlier today, Theokaren Bombecky put some Polish on:

Review: Białywilk – Próżnia

What’s been going on in your neck of the woods? Give us the goods, and throw in some bads and uglies while you’re at it.

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